Seeing with the body: Initiatives created during a residency at the Dance Nucleus Singapore, 2017
Video Dance Reading Group
A public reading group on video dance, proposing readings and viewings for us to look at together, and discuss on the FB group as well as in person once a month in Singapore. In the "Files" section of the FB page you'll find an informal bibliography and filmography of things that I find useful or have been recommended to me - material from dance film, dance and improvisation, film theory, art films. The list also includes recommendations from members of this list.
Video lab
Film, video and interactive installation works-in-progress by me and other artists working with dance and video in Singapore. A drop-in studio format at the Dance Nucleus.
Sunday 26 March 2017 2-5pm - with Susan Sentler, Chen Jiexiao, Tay Ru Hui
Sunday 28 May 2017 1-5pm - Faye Lim, Susan Sentler, Chen Jiexiao
Collective Making workshop
Friday 2 June 2017 10am-5pm, Dance Nucleus
A full day workshop for dancers, film makers, and anyone interested in picking up the skills of either! We will shoot and edit together and share our knowledge. For current makers as well as beginners. FREE! Event and registration details here.
Seeing with the Body library at Dance Nucleus
A browsing selection of books, texts and photographs connected to dance film, film making, photography, site, participation and philosophy. (January-September 2017)
Video Dance Reading Group
A public reading group on video dance, proposing readings and viewings for us to look at together, and discuss on the FB group as well as in person once a month in Singapore. In the "Files" section of the FB page you'll find an informal bibliography and filmography of things that I find useful or have been recommended to me - material from dance film, dance and improvisation, film theory, art films. The list also includes recommendations from members of this list.
Video lab
Film, video and interactive installation works-in-progress by me and other artists working with dance and video in Singapore. A drop-in studio format at the Dance Nucleus.
Sunday 26 March 2017 2-5pm - with Susan Sentler, Chen Jiexiao, Tay Ru Hui
Sunday 28 May 2017 1-5pm - Faye Lim, Susan Sentler, Chen Jiexiao
Collective Making workshop
Friday 2 June 2017 10am-5pm, Dance Nucleus
A full day workshop for dancers, film makers, and anyone interested in picking up the skills of either! We will shoot and edit together and share our knowledge. For current makers as well as beginners. FREE! Event and registration details here.
Seeing with the Body library at Dance Nucleus
A browsing selection of books, texts and photographs connected to dance film, film making, photography, site, participation and philosophy. (January-September 2017)